If you had an electrical hazard in your home, wouldn’t you want to know about it?

Every six minutes! 248 times a day! There are more than 90,000  home electrical fires a year in the United States and Canada, accounting for hundreds of deaths, thousands of injuries, and millions of dollars in property damage.

CurrentSAFE® uses state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment that allows us to “look” behind the walls and discover electrical problems in your home, any of which could lead to dangerous shock or fire hazards.

DSC_9203Unexpected electrical service costs can be devastating to the family budget. Our service provides  the homeowner with time to prepare and budget for needed improvements or upgrades.

At  CurrentSAFE®, we understand that not everyone will have a devastating electrical fire in their lifetime. This service also identifies electrical problems in a home’s electrical system’s that may unexpectedly creep up on a homeowner and cause a problem in the future or be damaging to their expensive electronic equipment.



Insurance Claims
24-hour full service electricians